HL Theurillat Immobilier Sàrl

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Residential building

CHF 470'000.-

2805 Soyhières

Building with land

4-storey building with barns and attic - Total surface area of 1341 m²

This imposing 4-storey building, including barns and attics, is accompanied by two adjacent plots, for a total surface area of 1341 m². Very well located in the heart of a residential area, very sunny, this building was once known for its restaurant and is today an emblematic building. It has a large barn and has great potential for transformation to accommodate several apartments, with the possibility of installing an elevator.

The roof tiles are in good condition, as are the beams, and the building's load-bearing walls measure 85 cm, ensuring a solid structure.

It is offered for sale with the two adjoining plots at the same price. A renovation plan is available for anyone really interested in this project.

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Available from now on
Reference 1653667




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    This property is proposed by

    HL Theurillat Immobilier Sàrl
    Les Satchirons 1
    2923 Courtemaîche

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