Les Régisseurs Loeffel et Chevrey SA

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Mixed use property 2 rooms

CHF 620'000.-

2822 Courroux
2 rooms

In the center of the village - optimal visibility

Due to the relocation of our offices, we are putting this building up for sale, comprising a commercial area on the ground floor, 2 cellars in the basement and a duplex apartment upstairs.

For the business, large windows and parking spaces on the road side will facilitate the arrival of your customers as well as the visibility of the surface.

The duplex accommodation has been completely renovated and benefits from large rooms as well as a private outdoor garden.

The building has been constantly maintained since 2018 and does not require any major immediate work.

Interested? Do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a visit.

Further information

Ground floor
Built in 1939
Renovated in 2018
Available on request
Reference V-191124




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    This property is proposed by

    Les Régisseurs Loeffel et Chevrey SA
    Rue du 23 Juin 28
    2822 Courroux

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