Les Régisseurs Loeffel et Chevrey SA

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Mixed use property 4 rooms

CHF 740'000.-

2900 Porrentruy
4 rooms

In the old town - 4 accommodations

In a well-placed building in the old town, on the northern heights, it is located a few minutes from the shops in the center without being bothered by the noise during events.

It consists of 4 accommodations, one of which has independent access.

The 1st floor accommodation has a small balcony as well as an interior terrace.

The last 2 accommodations were maintained as needed with the gradual replacement of household appliances.

The tenants on the 1st and 2nd floors have been loyal for many years.

Interested? Do not hesitate to contact us for further information and a visit.

Further information

Ground floor
Available from now on
Reference V-101224


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    This property is proposed by

    Les Régisseurs Loeffel et Chevrey SA
    Rue du 23 Juin 28
    2822 Courroux

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