Prologis Sàrl

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Building land

CHF 469'000.-

1971 Grimisuat

Land for construction of villa for sale in Grimisuat

It is in the village of Grimisuat, just 10 minutes from the town of Sion, that your future home awaits you.

This location, facing due south, is located in a quiet area at the end of a dead end and on the edge of a building zone. It benefits from a panoramic and unobstructed view of the Rhone plain. The sunshine is optimal. This is a rare location.

Would you like to know more? Don't hesitate, contact us!

This land is not free of mandate.

(Texts and images are not contractual)

Further information

654 m² (surface areas)
Available from now on
Reference 1617575




This property is proposed by

Prologis Sàrl
Route de Palézieux 59
1610 Oron-la-Ville

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