Prologis Sàrl

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Building land

CHF 350'000.-

1958 St-Léonard

Land for construction of villa for sale in St-Léonard

It is in the village of St-Léonard, just 5 minutes from Sion, that your future villa awaits you.

Ideally located at the gates of the city of Sion, in a residential area, this location is a very attractive place to live. The land is completely flat: you will be able to enjoy your outdoors in an optimal way.

Would you like to know more? Don't hesitate, contact us!

This land is not free of mandate.

(Texts and images are not contractual)

Further information

645 m² (surface areas)
Available from now on
Reference 1614426




This property is proposed by

Prologis Sàrl
Route de Palézieux 59
1610 Oron-la-Ville

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