Valimmobilier SA

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Single garage

1946 Bourg-St-Pierre

1946 Bourg-St-Pierre, Réf 5306647

Large hangar/garage in the center of the village of Bourg-Saint-Pierre.
This building is built on a plot of 185 m2. Its surface area is 100 m2 and it has a height of 5.5 m at its highest point. In very good condition, the frame and roof were completely redone about ten years ago. Currently used as a garage, you could easily fit 6 cars there, make a workshop or possibly a loft.
Special features / Remarks:
  • Electric door
  • Connected to the electricity network
  • Small adjoining garden
  • Building not equipped with water supply but very easily doable

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Further information

100 m² (usable areas)
Available from now on
Reference 5306647


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    This property is proposed by

    Valimmobilier SA
    Avenue de la Gare 39
    1964 Conthey

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