Valimmobilier SA

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Building land

CHF 1'200'000.-

3975 Randogne

3975 Randogne, Réf 5187130

Popular in the region, in the commune of Crans Montana, close to the resort and all that it offers in terms of amenities and sports facilities.

Large building plot of 2229 m2, in the immediate vicinity of the village of Randogne, sold with a building project granted for 2 buildings of 3 dwellings each, with basement.

Located in an area recently developed for a new villa district.
It benefits from a beautiful exposure and a breathtaking view.
Its location allows it to enjoy a splendid 180° panorama over the Upper Valais, the Val d'Anniviers and the Rhône Plain.

Land characteristics:
  • Building area: 2229 m2
  • Topography: gently sloping
  • Altitude 1200 m

The project was accepted and a building permit was issued.
A complete project file is available upon request.

About fifteen minutes from Sierre, belonging to the commune of Crans Montana, on the sunny hillside, this land will allow you to establish two very pleasant residences, in a quiet and well-exposed area.

Do not hesitate to contact me for any further information or to arrange a visit.

Further information

2229 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 5187130




This property is proposed by

Valimmobilier SA
Avenue de la Gare 39
1964 Conthey

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Contact Dominique Lesgardeur

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