Wealth Investment Network - WENET AG

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Apartment 4.5 rooms

CHF 485'000.-

4133 Pratteln
74 m² • 4.5 rooms

Invest in the future: property in an up-and-coming district

Welcome to your new home, which promises you all the amenities of a modern apartment. This carefully designed property impresses with its clever floor plan and is located in a quiet, family-friendly residential area. The Saline Raurica project currently under construction makes this property particularly attractive.

At a glance:

+ CONDITION: Ready to move in, laundry tower included
+ FAMILY-FRIENDLY: Ideal room layout, quiet location
+ PARKING: 1 garage parking space exclusively
+ SURROUNDINGS: Improvement of the surrounding area, new jobs, better connections to public transport
+ INVESTMENT PROPERTY: exciting, interesting investment thanks to the Saline Raurica project

If you are interested, we would be happy to send you a detailed description of the property including all information and look forward to advising you personally at a viewing appointment.

WENET AG – Real Estate of KI Group AG since 1974

Further information

Floor 2
4 levels
Built in 1965
Renovated in 2024
Available on request
Reference 5001553.3040407




This property is proposed by

Wealth Investment Network - WENET AG
Baarerstrasse 82
6300 Zug

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