Cardis SA

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Contact Deborah Riesen

Row house 6.5 rooms

CHF 1'250'000.-

1753 Matran
165 m² • 4 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 6.5 rooms

Magnificent new villa in the heart of the village - Lot A3

The "Les Villas du Tilleul" project offers 9 adjoining villas in Matran. Modern and contemporary, live in your own cocoon in a peaceful, residential neighborhood close to all amenities.

- 5.5 or 6.5 room villas
- Useful floor areas from 168 to 194 m2
- Terraces from 24 to 40 m2
- Private gardens from 44 to 195 m2
- 2 covered outdoor parking spaces per villa

Price: from CHF 1'190'000.-

Project address: Route du Levant 6 à 22, 1753 Matran

Visit the website: for more information!

Further information

173 m² (usable areas)
Available on request
Reference 035921.A3LR


Children friendly
New building


Public transport
80m - 2 min
655m - 14 min
Primary schools
300m - 6 min
Secondary schools
1849m - 37 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Boulevard de Pérolles 16
    1700 Fribourg

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    To visit

    Contact Deborah Riesen

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