Attica Immobilier

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Single house 7.5 rooms

CHF 1'190'000.-

1470 Seiry
150 m² • 4 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • 7.5 rooms

Spacious contemporary house with swimming pool

In the charming village of Seiry, in the Broye district, we offer you a spacious contemporary house with swimming pool.

In a beautiful village setting, it already seduces with a large garden surrounding the pool. An outbuilding provides comfortable outdoor storage and a large canopy under the upper part of the house allows you to enjoy shaded meals.

The interior is not left out.

On the ground floor, you'll find a very spacious living room with fireplace, a dining area, an open-plan kitchen with bar area, an office and a guest toilet.
On the upper floor, you'll arrive directly at a large relaxation area adjoining a room that doubles as an office (these spaces combined could make an additional bedroom), two separate bedrooms, a bathroom and shower and an en suite bedroom with dressing room and shower room.
To finish off, this property enjoys a very large basement with a cellar, a carnotzet wine cellar, a laundry room, a technical room and a garage with electric door that can easily accommodate two's possible to park three vehicles outside

Further information

948 m³
962 m² (surface areas)
Built in 2001
Renovated in 2024
Available on request
Reference AtticaSeirymaison


Swimming pool


Public transport
264m - 6 min
Primary schools
2277m - 46 min


This property is proposed by

Attica Immobilier
Av. d'Ouchy 66
1006 Lausanne

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