L'instant Immo

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Single house 6.5 rooms

CHF 330'000.-

2922 Courchavon
180 m² • 5 bedrooms • 1 bathroom • 6.5 rooms

Large house to renovate and-or transform in the heart of nature

Large house with great potential for conversion and extension located in the hamlet of Mormont (commune of Courchavon), just 5 minutes by car from the town of Porrentruy and all its amenities.
The location of the house, surrounded by forests and fields, and its vast grounds will offer, after renovation, a place of paradise and tranquillity for all lovers of peace and nature.
We can offer you a complete renovation and conversion project for this house.
Don't miss this opportunity to treat yourself to this haven of peace and don't hesitate to request our documentation for this object

Further information

730 m³
2099 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1850
Renovated in 1995
Available from now on
Reference 5212082


Children friendly


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    This property is proposed by

    L'instant Immo
    Rue du Jura 11
    2900 Porrentruy

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