Cardis SA

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Single house 6.5 rooms

CHF 940'000.-

2800 Delémont
120 m² • 5 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 6.5 rooms

Beautiful house in perfect location with guaranteed peace and quiet

Located in the MC zone (6 buildable levels), this 6.5-room property is ideally situated in the center of the town of Delémont, in a green and quiet residential area.

- Living space 120 m2
- Surface of the plot 705 m2
- Volume of the building 745 m3
- Garden area approx. 200 m2
- Terrace area 40 m2
- 1 large garage for two vehicles
- 3 outdoor parking spaces
- 1 cellar

Further information

705 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1956
Renovated in 2015
Available on request
Reference 040485


Children friendly


Public transport
155m - 4 min
171m - 4 min
Nursery school
160m - 4 min
Primary schools
1349m - 27 min
Secondary schools
609m - 13 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Rue Jakob-Rosius 18
    2502 Bienne

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    Contact Farzad Qayumi

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