Les Régisseurs Loeffel et Chevrey SA

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Single house 5.5 rooms

CHF 800'000.-

2800 Delémont
5.5 rooms

A quiet area surrounded by greenery

Located in the north-west district of the city, towards the Château du Domont, this house is ideally located in a quiet area, in a villa area and surrounded by greenery in order to maintain its privacy.

Thanks to the 896 m2 plot, you will have enough space to install your terrace and keep an area where your children can play safely.

The house consists of 2 floors.

Upstairs, where the main entrance is located, you will find the hall-corridor which serves a toilet, the kitchen where a wall can be destroyed in order to open it onto the living room and the dining room with a fireplace, a bathroom, 2 bedrooms and a long balcony.

On the lower floor, a living area and technical rooms are grouped together. 2 bedrooms, an office and a shower room form the living areas.

For the technical rooms, you will have the tank room, the boiler room, a cellar and the garage.

The house is sold at a price of CHF 800,000.-. The renovation work amounts to approximately CHF 300,000.-. Ask us for the complete file for details.

Further information

Ground floor
Built in 1960
Available on request
Reference V-151124


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    This property is proposed by

    Les Régisseurs Loeffel et Chevrey SA
    Rue du 23 Juin 28
    2822 Courroux

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