Juraimmobilier SA

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Single house

CHF 450'000.-

2902 Fontenais

Land with house project and building permit in Fontenais

Unique opportunity in Fontenais: Land with house project and approved building permit. Imagine the house of your dreams in the peaceful environment of Fontenais. This exceptional opportunity offers you land with a house project, accompanied by an already approved building permit, a paid building permit fee, as well as a site plan and initial digging. The house Each house has approximately 450 m2. The ground floor offers a large open living space, with kitchen, dining room and lounge. You can also enjoy moments of relaxation outdoors on the large 24 square meter terrace. The ground floor also includes a bedroom/office and a full bathroom with shower and toilet. Upstairs, you will find three spacious bedrooms, each approximately 16 square meters. You will also have a second bathroom, equipped with a bathtub, a shower and a toilet. The house also includes a practical basement, with an entrance hall, a large cellar/storage room. and technical room. The village of Fontenais Nestled in the heart of the Jura countryside, this small village offers a peaceful setting. Located 3 minutes from Porrentruy and 7 minutes from Courgenay. The region offers many opportunities for outdoor activities and nature discovery. Would you like more information on this exceptional opportunity in Fontenais? Contact us today to receive a complete project presentation file.

Further information

Ground floor
450 m² (surface areas)
Built in 0
Available from now on
Reference JUA169.JUA169.JUA169


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    This property is proposed by

    Juraimmobilier SA
    Rue de l'Avenir 12
    2800 Delémont

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