L'instant Immo

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Residential building

CHF 1'980'000.-

2900 Porrentruy

Building with 8 apartments, 10 storage units and project for a buildin

The building with 8 apartments and 10 garages is located on the main road in Porrentruy. There are 4 3.5-room apartments and 4 4.5-room apartments on 4 floors. The apartments have been renovated, with the first floor apartment on the right still to be renovated and rented out. Numerous renovations have also been carried out in the common areas of the property. The net rental income amounts to 76,680 Swiss francs, to which can be added the rent for the future apartment under renovation. The gross rental income is 90,240 Swiss francs.

The construction project adjoins the building. It is located in a cul-de-sac, which promises discretion and calm. The plans for this project with a permit in force show a 9-apartment building with covered parking for 5 vehicles. No invitation to tender has yet been sent.

 The sale includes the building, the land and the building permit in force

Further information

2213 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1980
Renovated in 2024
Available from now on
Reference 5200084


Children friendly
New building


This property is proposed by

L'instant Immo
Rue du Jura 11
2900 Porrentruy

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