Neuschwander Immobilier Sàrl

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Contact Benjamin Neuschwander

Residential building

CHF 1'670'000.-

2805 Soyhières

6 fully-rented units guaranteed return

Located slightly set back from the center of the village of Soyhières, in a quiet neighborhood, we offer you a beautiful renovated building comprising 6 apartments with terraces or gardens, as well as 5 parking spaces.

Charming building bordering a stream.

To visit without further delay!

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information or to obtain the complete file.

Accessibility: Soyhières is located 3 minutes from Delémont

Delémont is located by car at :

- 25 minutes from Porrentruy
- 45 minutes from the TGV station at Belfort
- 45 minutes from Biel
- 1h00 from Basel
- 1h15 from Neuchâtel
- 2h00 from Lausanne

Further information

575 m² (surface areas)
Renovated in 2023
Available from now on
Reference V-070524


Children friendly


Public transport
55m - 2 min
211m - 5 min
Nursery school
159m - 4 min
Primary schools
159m - 4 min
Secondary schools
3132m - 63 min


Calculate your travel times

    This property is proposed by

    Neuschwander Immobilier Sàrl
    Maltière 7
    2800 Delémont

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    To visit

    Contact Benjamin Neuschwander

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