L'instant Immo

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Single house 3.5 rooms

CHF 590'000.-

2943 Vendlincourt
2 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 3.5 rooms

2943 Vendlincourt, Réf 5215560

This charming 3.5 room, single storey home is nestled in the heart of a quiet cul-de-sac. Its setting will offer you the tranquility of a peaceful life while being surrounded by a welcoming environment. Perfectly maintained, this house is your haven of tranquility ready to welcome you.

The neighborhood harmoniously combines nature and amenities. A few steps away, you will find a store and two restaurants. The proximity of the train station ensures worry-free mobility, ideal for daily travel.

The large garden with its veranda which can be partially closed is ideal for summer evenings.

Further information

805 m³
891 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1998
Renovated in 2017
Available on request
Reference 5215560


Children friendly
Has wheelchair access


This property is proposed by

L'instant Immo
Rue du Jura 11
2900 Porrentruy

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