Neuschwander Immobilier Sàrl

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Residential building 10 rooms

CHF 410'000.-

2829 Vermes
153 m² • 4 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 10 rooms

Close to nature, ideally located with two apartments

Located in the charming village of Vermes in the commune of Val Terbi, in the countryside but not far from the town, the building is close to public transport and just a few minutes from the primary school.

This is a multi-family village house, which has benefited from regular renovations, in particular the 1st floor apartment which was renovated in 2017.

The building consists of two 4.5-room apartments, ideal for a family grouping. 

Don't hesitate, give us a call for a visit!

Accessibility: Vermes is 17 minutes from Delémont

Delémont being by car at :

- 20 minutes from Porrentruy
- 40 minutes from the TGV station in Belfort
- 35 minutes from Biel
- 55 minutes from Basel
- 1h10 from Neuchâtel
- 1h55 from Lausanne

Further information

924 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1960
Renovated in 2017
Available from now on
Reference V-160924


Children friendly


Public transport
238m - 5 min
4624m - 93 min
Nursery school
207m - 5 min
Primary schools
207m - 5 min
Secondary schools
4866m - 98 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Neuschwander Immobilier Sàrl
    Maltière 7
    2800 Delémont

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    Contact Benjamin Neuschwander

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