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Residential building

CHF 5'600'000.-

1994 Aproz (Nendaz)
1260 m²

Residential building 15 appt. in PPE - MINERGIE - Near Sion


Built in 2016, this well-maintained building meets the MINERGIE label.

Located a few kilometers from Sion in a residential area, these 15 PPE lots are composed as follows:

2 x 1.5 pieces of approx. 45m² cellars
8 x 2.5 pieces approx. 74m² cellars
4 x 3.5 pieces of approx. 108m² cellars
1 x 4.5 rooms of 139m² cellars


12 outdoor parking spaces and 15 indoor spaces.

All lots are rented.

Rental status:

- Current net rental income: CHF 236,000.-

The surfaces indicated are weighted taking into account 1/2 of the balconies and 1/3 of the terraces.

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Further information

4 levels
2500 m² (surface areas)
1100 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2016
Available on request
Reference A15/24


Children friendly
Minergie certified
Built according to Minergie standards
Pets allowed


This property is proposed by

Av. de l’Avant-Poste 1
1005 Lausanne

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