de Rham SA

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Single house 8.5 rooms

CHF 5'200'000.-

1066 Epalinges
340 m² • 5 bedrooms • 8.5 rooms

1066 Epalinges, Réf VI0116

This magnificent exceptional property will delight the most demanding looking for a unique property. Villa “Le Cube” is based on a plot of more than 2,500 m2, with a magnificently wooded and perfectly maintained garden.
A swimming pool and a pool house with its summer kitchen bring an undeniable asset to this property.

The living space of approximately 380 m2 is divided into two "Cubes" and extends over two levels above ground, in addition to a fitted basement of approximately 150 m2. In the center of the residence, you will find a magnificent staircase and an interior courtyard, offering numerous design possibilities and opportunities.

Further information

2135 m³
2503 m² (surface areas)
553 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2002
Available on request
Reference VI0116


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    This property is proposed by

    de Rham SA
    Avenue Mon-Repos 14
    1005 Lausanne

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