de Rham SA

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Residential building

CHF 1'570'000.-

1188 St-George
322 m²

1188 St-George, Réf VI0161

Located in the peaceful town of Saint-George, 20 minutes from the Aubonne motorway.

Located in a region surrounded by nature but close to the urban centres of the Coast, the town attracts strong rental demand, with a zero vacancy rate. The location close to local shops and public transport ensures tenants a practical and pleasant living environment.

The diversity of the apartments – ranging from 2.5 rooms to 7.5 room duplexes – allows us to target a wide range of tenants, guaranteeing a regular and secure return. In addition, each accommodation has an independent entrance, which reduces common charges and increases the attractiveness for occupants.

Further information

326 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1880
Renovated in 2018
Available from now on
Reference VI0161


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    This property is proposed by

    de Rham SA
    Avenue Mon-Repos 14
    1005 Lausanne

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