Wealth Investment Network - WENET AG

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Bifamiliar house 7 rooms

CHF 2'950'000.-

6315 Oberägeri
296 m² • 7 rooms

BENEFIT in many aspects

Back to the roots, this high-quality, lovingly converted space miracle will surprise you.

From the outside it is rather modest in nature and fits perfectly into its surroundings. A firework display of possibilities opens up to you as soon as you enter and the modern expansion will inspire you.

True beauty is often only seen at second glance. Whether you are a couple with animals or an extended family - there is room for everyone here - you will rarely feel so WELCOME.

At a glance:

+ BUILDING QUALITY: Complete renovation in 2018, investor apartment, modern & high quality
+ BENEFIT: Studio apartment rented furnished - direct income
+LAKE/MOUNTAIN VIEW: unobstructed view in the center green
+PRIVACY: unrestricted retreat in all respects, not visible
+CONDITION: very well maintained, ready to move in, no investment required
+PARKING SPACES: 2 outdoor parking spaces + 1 large garage parking space included

If you are interested, we will be happy to send you a detailed property description including all information and look forward to advising you personally at a viewing appointment.

WENET AG – Real estate of KI Group AG since 1974.

Further information

3 levels
772 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1901
Available on request
Reference 3874479.1684463




This property is proposed by

Wealth Investment Network - WENET AG
Baarerstrasse 82
6300 Zug

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