Nendaz-Vente Immobilier Sàrl

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Commercial 3 rooms

1997 Haute-Nendaz
80 m² • 1 bathroom • 3 rooms

1997 Haute-Nendaz, Réf Local avec 2 saunas et douche et caves

The space includes amenities such as a shared elevator, two private saunas, toilets and two showers, and a cellar. With 3.0 rooms available, this property offers great freedom to create an exceptional sauna space. Bring your ideas to life and transform this space into a modern urban wellness haven.
This property offers a unique opportunity to invest in a commercial space with sauna in a condominium

Further information

80 m² (usable areas)
Available on request
Reference Local avec 2 saunas et douche et caves


Water supply


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    This property is proposed by

    Nendaz-Vente Immobilier Sàrl
    Route des Ecluses 26
    1997 Haute-Nendaz

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    Contact Françoise Gillioz

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