Berra Immobilier SA

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Office 1 room

CHF 704'000.-

1920 Martigny
220 m² • 1 room

Sales area

Be the first to set up your business in this neighborhood. Currently, there are no Tea-Room, café, mini-market, hairdresser-style signs in the area. Chance to seize!

Lots of several retail areas of different sizes (99, 220 m2).

Located in the "Le Martinet" complex, a recent construction of 8 buildings, in a booming district in Martigny, near the Dranse, in a peaceful setting, while remaining 2 minutes by car from the motorway axes and shops.

Take advantage of the last properties still available for sale!

The homes are built to Minergie standard, with an ecological heat pump heating system. The large bay windows provide ideal light to all of the accommodation.

An elevator serves each floor and the car park

Call me for more details.

Complete sales brochure on request.


Further information

Ground floor
220 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2018
Available on request
Reference 732154


New building


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    This property is proposed by

    Berra Immobilier SA
    Pré-de-Foire 26
    1920 Martigny

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