BT Building Technology Sàrl

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Industrial object

CHF 640'000.-

3970 Salgesch

Warehouse | Wine cellar | Equipped storage room

Industrial premises, currently equipped wine cellar . Well located close to the village center with easy access. Wine region with a well-established reputation, this property is aimed at a professional in the sector who wants to establish or diversify, in wine, coffee, beer or other business where the need for storage premises and various equipment is necessary. Possibility of changing use.

- Capacity 40,000 lt red wine

- Stock 66,250 lt

- All tanks are made of stainless steel
- System with AZOT Device
- Fully equipped with lift and machines
- The equipment will be checked and revised before sale

Estimate of equipment and tanks (LIST ON REQUEST)

CHF 104,280.-

Special features:

Plot 310 m2
Annex building 64 m2 on the ground on two floors + 29 m2 in annex to be completely renovated 508 m3 SIA
Lower ground floor, half-buried with carnotzet
Easy roadside access
Possibility of purchasing an additional plot if necessary

- Possibilities in the event of a partnership purchase for the rental or purchase of vines as well as for winemaking on site or elsewhere if necessary in the event of overcapacity.

Possibility of changing the use, in which case the premises will be emptied of all machines or equipment used for the current use.

A bright future for ambitious people!

For this, a high-performance work object is required. The object is ready to use.
For sale an equipped wine cellar (harvest reception, stainless steel vats, bottling is missing).

The capacity is approximately 115,000 liters.
The winery is located in Valais in an area renowned for its unique terroir.
The potential of the object is perfect, a house and a carnotzet are part of the lot and available for
to be renovated.

The total price is set at CHF 640,000.

Several options are possible!
Don't hesitate, you won't regret it! For a first contact without obligation at (French)

Why does this object generate so much interest?

This is the potential that exists! You have to take the time to read for two minutes to see a bright, basic future!

Given current energy standards, in a sustainable futuristic vision, two important factors already exist.

The 1st is the ideal location given the exceptional daily sunshine.

In addition, the construction (2nd point), healthy, is on 3 levels in the ground.

This guarantees freshness and a stable temperature in both summer and winter.

These two strengths already exist and can be acquired at low cost. Therefore, the existing basis for self-consumption of energy is in place.

In addition, in what is already part of the sale lot, there is a wooden house, certainly to be transformed, but the Valaisan character is not negligible, especially since one can opt for a large terrace and enjoy a Valaisan carnotzet, to finish in style the presentations of products or other.

The price includes all the equipment for a wine cellar with a capacity of around 115,000 litres.

Everything can be transformed for another purpose, taking into account the criteria mentioned above.

It's worth studying, that's obvious!

Were you interested in what you are looking for?

There is potential to exist!

Wenn man sich die Mühe nimmt 2 Minuten zu lesen, kann man dies sofort erkennen und es liegt eine vielversprechende Zukunft vor. When the current energy standards are correct, you should be aware of the current object 2 Vorteile.

Der erste Vorteil is the Standort of Objects; die vorzügliche, tägliche Sonneneinstrahlung. Als zweiten Vorteil kommt hinzu, dass der gesunde Bau des Kellers, einschliesslich des Erdgeschosses 3 Stockwerke in die Tiefe geht. The insulated gut is guaranteed to last a long time, so it has an identical temperature during the winter. These 2 times it is possible to fire it again. The Basis of your Energy-Eigenversorgung lies directly with you.

Also, if they are in storage, they are in the house, welches zwar neu umgebaut werden muss, eine möglicher Terrassenanbau, ein Walliser Carnotzet vorhanden.

Im Verkaufspreis ist noch enthalten, die ganze Ausstattung eines Weinkellers, mit einer Kapazität von Ca. 115,000 Litern. Die ganze Anlage cann aber für eine etere Beschaffenheit angewendet werden.

It's just a matter of time if there are objects that can be used and possibly even further studies can be done!

Ein Anruf ist eine erste Alternative! Für diesen Contact wählen Sie die. (deutsch)

Additional information on request from the agency.

BT Building Technology Sàrl

At your service for any questions or possible on-site visits.

Further information

3 levels
1731 m³
310 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1987
Available from now on
Reference PITO-0000945




This property is proposed by

BT Building Technology Sàrl
Av. St-Francois 2
1950 Sion

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