L'AGENCE IMMO Maret-Bonvin

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CHF 890'000.-

3960 Sierre
600 m²

3960 Sierre, Réf 4352483

AgenceImmo Maret Bonvin offers you exclusively:

A commercial premises of approximately 485M2 in the center of the city which is composed as follows:

- Upper ground floor of 90M2
- Lower ground floor of 145M2
- Basement of 155M2
- Attic of 95M2

A 4.5 room apartment of 95M2 on the 1st floor which is composed as follows:

- Living room with access to the terrace
- Living kitchen with access to the terrace
- Three rooms
- A bathroom with WC, shower and sink
- A bathroom with WC and sink
- Balcony/terrace
- Galetas
- Private laundry room

I am at your disposal for any questions.


Further information

166 m² (surface areas)
600 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1975
Available on request
Reference 4352483
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    This property is proposed by

    L'AGENCE IMMO Maret-Bonvin
    Rue du Scex 16A
    1950 Sion

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    Contact Nicolas Maret

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