Comptoir Immobilier Genève

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Mixed use property

3960 Sierre

Portfolio of 3 residential buildings in Sierre (VS)

Le Comptoir Immobilier has been exclusively mandated for the sale of a portfolio of 3 residential buildings spread across the commune of Sierre in Valais.

The buildings benefit from low rental vacancies and prime locations.

Building 1 - Residential building
Industry 40
Year of construction: 1980
Assignment area: medium density area to be developed
Levels: R+4
Accommodation: 10 x 3.5 p. ? 5 x 2.5 p. ? 1,260 m²
Apartment typology: from 58 m2 to 97 m2
Parking: 12 x outdoor spaces
Rental vacancy: 0.2%

27 lots. Net rent: CHF 186,669.-

Building 2 - Residential building with arcades on the ground floor
Max-Huber 12
Construction period: 1967-1971
Assignment area: Value set area
Levels: R + 4 + attic (+ three lower levels)
Accommodations: 4 x 4.5p. ? 7 x 3.5p. ? 3 x 2.5p. ? 2 x 1.5p. ? 19 x 1p.
Apartment typology: from 18 m2 to 100 m2
Parking: 10 x indoor spaces? 2 x boxes
1 restaurant/bar ? 2 commercial areas
Rental vacancy: 2.4%

50 Lots. Net rent: CHF 384,192.-

Building 3 - Residential building with arcade on the ground floor
Alps 18
Year of construction: 1955
Assignment area: central zone B to be developed
Levels: R+3+attic
Accommodation: 1 x 4 p. ? 12 x 3 p. ? 2 x 2 p. ? 1 x 1 p. : 830 m²
Apartment typology: from 35 m2 to 71 m2
Parking: 4 x garages ? 1 x outdoor space
1 hair salon on the ground floor
Rental vacancy: 0%

22 Lots. Net rent: CHF 204,744.-

Total 3 buildings. 99 lots. Net rent: CHF 775,605.-

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Available on request
Reference 85049489
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This property is proposed by

Comptoir Immobilier Genève
Cours de Rive 7
1204 Genève

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