LVTiC Sàrl

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CHF 3'990'000.-

3960 Sierre
1838 m²

3960 Sierre, Réf 5106978

Industrial building of 1838 m2 on a plot of 1680 m2 for sale in Sierre

60% leased

Date of construction: 1981 and 2017

High energy efficiency:
- good insulation of walls and ceilings
- triple glazing
- heating by geothermal heat pump
- floor cooling by water-water exchanger on groundwater
- solar panels on the roof

1000 kg freight elevator serving all levels
Sanitary facilities, showers

23 outdoor parking spaces

Availability: immediate

Current rental status: CHF 167,500.-/year
Potential rental status: CHF 256,000.-/year

Selling price: CHF 3,990,000.-

Further information

1681 m² (surface areas)
1838 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1981
Renovated in 2017
Available from now on
Reference 5106978
Further information


Has wheelchair access


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    This property is proposed by

    LVTiC Sàrl
    Rue du Vergnolet 8
    1070 Puidoux

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