Cardis SA

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Mixed use property

CHF 990'000.-

1872 Troistorrents
375 m²

1872 Troistorrents, Réf 040393

- Building/chalet in the heart of the charming village of Val D'Illiez
- a 4.5 room apartment of 120 m2
- a bakery business, 205m2 manufacturing laboratory and tea room with license (alcohol) with 50 seats inside and 10 outside.
- annual net rental income of CHF 50,400.00, annual gross rental income of CHF 58,800.00
- building charges CHF 8,700.00
- yield 5.30%

Further information

1807 m³
241 m² (surface areas)
375 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1920
Renovated in 2022
Available from now on
Reference 040393


Children friendly


98m - 2 min
Primary schools
103m - 3 min


This property is proposed by

Cardis SA
Rue du Théâtre 7bis
1820 Montreux

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Contact Karyl Chabloz

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