Progestimmo Sàrl

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Building land

CHF 170'000.-

1996 Baar (Nendaz)

1996 Baar (Nendaz), Réf 5305381

Magnificent plot of land located in Baar-Nendaz, a sought-after location for its exceptional natural setting and serene atmosphere. This plot, measuring 1,037 m², offers a rare opportunity to acquire real estate in one of the most sought-after regions of the Swiss Alps.

Further information

1037 m² (surface areas)
Available from now on
Reference 5305381


Waste water supply
Power supply
Water supply


1018m - 21 min
Primary schools
254m - 6 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Progestimmo Sàrl
    Avenue de la Gare 36
    1920 Martigny

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    To visit

    Contact Manuel Vieira

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