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CHF 210.-/m<sup>2</sup>/year (+25.- costs)

1196 Gland
604 m²

1196 Gland, Réf 4361301

The SPARK Project is 8,000 m2 of new commercial premises, spread over three levels, flexible and modular depending on your type of activity.

SPARK provides you with 3 floors of 2520 m2 and a basement of 950 m2: the multiplicity of possible arrangements meets the specific needs of different business profiles.

These multifunctional spaces, flexible and divisible from 300m2, are adapted to accommodate activities with strong technical constraints.
The interior spaces are new and delivered semi-fitted, with the possibility of tailor-made support with the Plug option

Further information

Floor 2
604 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2022
Available from now on
Reference 4361301

Flexible rental guarantee, with or without bank deposit

Plan your rental guarantee
and save 20%
Lease inception date
(Estimated) amount of rent guarantee i Amount of 3-month guarantee for rent calculated as an estimate. The exact amount will be mentioned in your lease agreement.
Your premium 2025 CHF CHF
Annual premium from 2026 From 2026 CHF
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649m - 13 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Rue de Lausanne 64
    1020 Renens

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    Contact William Scherrer

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