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Rent in the city of Ueberstorf

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Rent a office in the city of Ueberstorf

Rent > Office > Fribourg > Ueberstorf

Ueberstorf is located in Fribourg canton. proposes you 1 office to rent in Ueberstorf. All properties to rent are proposed by agencies of this area.

Ueberstorf is a municipality of 16.12 km2 of the district of Singine in the canton of Friborg. It is perched at 654 meters above sea level. Wünnewil-Flamatt, is the nearest big city. According to the latest statistics, this village has 2357 inhabitants whose official language is German. Its economy is mainly based on the dairy industry, livestock, cattle and market gardening. It also incorporates small local industries in its territory, but also the service sector. The church of Ueberstorf in neo-gothic style, stands out by its 6 bells in SIB2, the smallest of which is only sounded during the deaths. Three castles are part of its attractions. The castle of Englisberg, which after its restoration has become a cultural and community center, and incidentally, a conference room. Techtermannhaus, inspired by French manors, and Reyff Castle. If you are looking to acquire a residence, is committed to finding you the rare gem in Ueberstorf.